12/29/03: Don't look now, I think it's Mother Christmas.
12/22/03: Went to Seattle with my entire immediately family; experienced moments of utter lunacy but survived. Jesse graduated: check it out.
12/15/03: Whistler Blackcomb. Home of mega skiing and, of course, the all-time crowd pleasin' Canadian answer to chili, poutine.
12/08/03: Gearing up for the annual trip to Whistler and three days straight in my size 4.5 ski boots, my tootsies took a much-needed breather. Don't worry tootsies, you can hack it.
12/01/03: Turkey anyone? Go Kobe. Now that's what I call gettin' on the bone.
11/10/03: That's right. Pat Benetar. 80's female rocker extraordinaire. Dan and I were in her personal audience of about 100 at J&R Music World. Go on... hit me with your best shot!
11/17/03: Poot's up to her old tricks. You just can't be a stinky, moo'in cow and make it around our place without a few choice bites to the ass from time to time.
11/10/03: Oh the humiliation of it all. Happy Birthday Poot, but who's stinkin' idea was the hat? Arg. Remind me to fart on Brian! (hee hee, I am not the only one).
11/03/03: Gidget may be reserving judgement, but I think Niki is DA BOMB! Happy 10th Birthday! (I am still plan to beat your bum at Uno).
10/27/03: ShaharaPOOT. In honor of Halloween. If Poot could talk, she would have some tales to tell; Poot could probably talk for more than one thousand nights.
10/20/03: It's amazing what a dog will get up to on a chilly, fall day with no walk in sight.
10/13/03: Gidget's better side? Certainly her most verbose.
10/6/03: One room is as good as another; a red couch in a white room or in a green room - either will do. Just into the new place and Poot's all settled.
09/29/03: Ayup, that's my sis: drool kitty.
09/22/03: POOT! In your face! New snaps of me getting my groove on.
09/15/03: Greetings from... Maine
09/8/03: A mere three weeks with the bitch feels like a lifetime. She is kinda cute in a rat-like sort of way. Check out some other pix of the Pidgenit
09/1/03: At the end of the day, there is a small amount of sunny fun to be had for Kir this summer.
08/25/03: Back from yet another heart failure and hospital stay, Poot wears it well.
08/18/03: Where was Gidget when the light's went out? Frozen with terror on my bed of course.
08/11/03: Dan's mom paints. She paints lighthouses, and barns, and, and... bloodstains. I know because I was at her art show.
08/4/03: Like a deer caught in the headlights, Bill's date makes her way down the aisle.
07/28/03: Poot, always the life of the party - sick and all - dons a lampshade with pride. Way to wear it Poot!
07/21/03: There are no words.
More Poot here (yes, actually new pictures).
07/14/03: I am making a massive comeback. I am... I meant it. I just need an itty bitty 5-hour nap every day. Call it beauty sleep. Anyway, doc says that I should take it easy; it's good for my heart.
07/7/03: Faced with the reality of Poot's illness, resulting in the serious lack of a playmate, Gidget turns her attentions to "the bone". Looks like a staring contest to me. Winner bites all?
06/30/03: A little love for the Poot while she heals (uh, yeah, Brian has pants on... er, I swear he does, he really does!).
06/23/03: Back home (yay!). Despite the lampshade hat, I have secured my usual spot under the covers. I am all about business as usual.
06/16/03: I am currently in hospital, wearing the requisit lamp shade, but ma has decided to treat me kindly and spare me the pix... for now. This is one of me at the dog run last month. I'm Poot and I'm cute; why not check out some of my other photos?
06/9/03: Rainy day weekends. This spring is chock full of 'em.
Frankly, I thought about changing this text to differ from last week's treat; but since EVERY weekend brings the same rain, it seemed appropriate to leave it. Same rainy weekends; same lazy dogs.
06/2/03: Rainy day weekends. This spring is chock full of 'em.
05/27/03: Sure is buggy this spring. They're in my hair, in my eyes, up my nose, in my ears -- listening to my every thought no doubt! Poor little buggies.
05/19/03: We're hikers. Well, we were earlier on the Red Cross Trail at Harriman State Park. Now we're just sleepers. We're gonna be sleepers for a while now. Sleep. Mmmmmm. Must... sl.. eep. Zzzzzzz.
05/14/03: Nice. An unexpected midweek trip to the dog run. Gave the ball what for.
04/17/03: YEEHAW! And a good howdy pardner to ya. Just returned from Steamboat Springs and a smashing visit with ranch hand Jeb... err, I mean Cliff.
04/7/03: Brian's birthday. I guess the question on everyone's mind is "is he old enough to date Kir now?" Anyway, we took off to Niagara Falls to celebrate.
04/1/03: Must get back to the heaven on earth they call Maine
03/24/03: Poot's catching up on her tan. Been a long cold winter. You know how it is.
03/18/03: All the snow has melted; it's wet and wild out. And so Gidget gears up for a trip to Maine with Poot. It's all about the ball play: Poot's got what it takes. Gidget needs a little more practice stuffing the ball into her snout.
03/10/03: I'm not fat. I have Cushing's disease. It makes me plump and my tummy saggy; I lose my hair, and I drink lots of water so I pee all over auntie kir's rugs. Good stuff.
02/19/03: Curious Poot. Hey, Poot's a curious gal.
02/10/03: Let's get it on!
01/7/02: Clark is Dee Snyder.